County Revenue Allocations Revision


Commission for Revenue Allocation intends to change the way revenues are allocated to counties. Their proposal, no. 1 below has however been countered by another allocation formula, no. 2 that has been floated by IBP.

  1.  Allocate revenue based on the achievement of revenue collection targets for each county – the high achievers get high revenue allocation from the central government.
  2.  Allocate revenue based on the marginal growth in revenue collection for each county – the higher your revenue margins grow year-on-year, the higher the allocation you get from the central government.

Continue reading “County Revenue Allocations Revision”

The Pan-African Investment Dream

africaAfrican continent is an emerging market having a myriad of investment opportunities with potentially very high returns.  It is an economic power-house that has all it requires to sustain itself through intra-Africa trade. As a continent, we are rich in natural resources that should be utilized properly through wise investment in the continent. Continue reading “The Pan-African Investment Dream”

GoK Snooping on Your Private Communications

snooppThe government will soon be snooping on your “private communications” through the Communications Authority (CA) of Kenya.

The CA has lined up new regulations to allow it access all your personal and private communication data as and when they feel they want it from the telecom service providers without a court order. Continue reading “GoK Snooping on Your Private Communications”

Kenya Banks’ Reference Rate (KBRR) Explained

ratesOn 8th July 2014, the Central Bank of Kenya set the first KBRR at 9.13% and it became effective from that very same day. As a move to foster transparency in Kenyan financial sector, the reference rate is both timely and effective. Continue reading “Kenya Banks’ Reference Rate (KBRR) Explained”

Debt Financing: Long-term and Short-term debt

deniFrom our previous article on using debt to finance business growth, we concluded with the rule of thumb in debt financing: Never use short-term debt to finance long-term capital investments. The reverse is true. Continue reading “Debt Financing: Long-term and Short-term debt”

Using Debt Capital to Finance Business Growth

debtsDebt capital can be the best way to finance operations in your business venture but it can also turn out to be the biggest mistake you will ever make in your life.

It is simple. Debt is money you do not own that you can use to grow and expand you business then pay back the lender with some interest on top. Continue reading “Using Debt Capital to Finance Business Growth”

Hub and Spoke Franchising – Social Entreprise Growth Model

hubIn the wake of renewed interest in social entrepreneurship in Africa, the next stage for the social enterprises being created every day is to spread their wings. This is in line with the core principle of social entrepreneurship of maximizing the social impact to community through having a wide reach. Continue reading “Hub and Spoke Franchising – Social Entreprise Growth Model”