The Pan-African Investment Dream

africaAfrican continent is an emerging market having a myriad of investment opportunities with potentially very high returns.  It is an economic power-house that has all it requires to sustain itself through intra-Africa trade. As a continent, we are rich in natural resources that should be utilized properly through wise investment in the continent.

Harnessing into the positive narrative about Africa is both timely and sustainable. Among the top reasons for investing in Africa include:

  • Large pool of highly skilled human resource available,
  • Huge market provided by its large population,
  • Technological development,
  • Gradual adoption of good governance systems,
  • Massive natural resources on the continent,
  • Large tracts of arable land,
  • Favorable climatic conditions and
  • The African Renaissance Spirit

Africa is in a new dawn period that will see it unlock most of its long hidden political and economic powers; and claim its rightful position in the global arena. As this happens, rapid development will take place across most of the African countries; hence many of them will end up transitioning into developed countries. It is in this period of transitioning when the next generation of African billionaires will be made and global super-powers from Africa emerge.

Rapid economic growth comes as a result of an increase in production in the countries involved. On the other hand, high production is stimulated by high consumption which pushes demand high, thus triggering the need for more goods and services.

It is an obvious fact that there has been increased demand in Africa for all kinds of goods and services including electronics, food, clothes, motor vehicles, properties among many others. This is evidenced by the ridiculous way in which commodity prices are rising and the number of multinationals from the West and East setting shop in Africa every month.

The race for the second scramble for Africa is warming up, and the runners are in their rightful tracks. The opportunities are there for anyone who wishes to take advantage of them, and create wealth for themselves. It is all like a marathon, everyone runs but only a few are awarded the medals.

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